Thursday 23 May 2013

Apparently I'm a #WAHM...

Took me some time to work it out too when I came across it on Twitter. Working At Home Mum and there are armies of us - just key #WAHM into Twitter and you'll see that we are a presence to be reckoned with. Social media has given us a voice, a way to connect with each other and a free and highly effective method of marketing our businesses. With a few keystrokes I can invite people to check out my latest shoot, find out what they think about it or just join in the latest gossip about #theapprentice!

Twitter has often been described as the virtual water or coffee machine where people working from home can "gather" for a short break.  And although I adore social media for the infinite possibilities of marketing businesses, I have come to view sites like Twitter and Facebook as a lifeline. It's not easy being a WAHM after decades of working in offices. I miss the banter, the support of colleagues, the chance to sound some one out on a problem or new idea. I DON'T miss the politics, relentless pressure, travel, lack of fresh air (our windows didn't open and I don't know about you but I need real air from outside not climate controlled, stale air).

But I digress (or rant) - the topic here is the ups and downs of being a WAHM and Twitter is definitely an up. As is being a free agent, beholden only to yourself - and the bank manager. I love being able to choose when I want to work and most of all, being able to be the "M" of WAHM much better than in my days as an employee. But it isn't all roses, even with St Twitter to run to for support. Am I the only WAHM that journeys along a little rollercoaster everyday?

7.30a.m. - jump out of bed, feeling good, a brand new working at home day.

8.45a.m. - less good, as repeated requests to brush teeth/hair, get dressed, put on shoes fall on deaf ears and we are late to school again! How can I run my own business if I can't get two kids to school on time?!

9.30a.m. - all is well with the world. Chores done, coffee brewed and am saying "hi" to all my cyber buddies.

12.30p.m. - phone hasn't rung all morning (don't they know how fantastic a photographer I am!), postman has delivered yet more bills and my computer keeps freezing.

1.00p.m. - forgot to go shopping so it's ham sandwiches again for lunch - another thing I miss about my old job was the lasagne from the amazing restaurant.

2.00p.m. - dog walked, cobwebs cleared and I'm on a roll, firing on all cylinders. Creativity is flowing from all my pores, I'm unstoppable... but, hold on, it's 3.15p.m. already, it can't be! Off to fetch the kids from school and then put on other hat of MFT (mum's free taxi).

9.00p.m. - (huge gap filled with meals, baths, homework, picking up everything you can imagine off the floor, trying to match socks, find football kits etc etc). Check emails and Twitter and find that I have an enquiry from a new client and a firm booking for a shoot. I am a success, I am a WAHM, I can do it!! Go and drink two large glasses of wine and fail miserably at being good wife!

By Jane Burkinshaw. Share this post by clicking on one of the Share buttons on the right hand side. I'd love to hear your comments too!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!
    It all sounds familiar apart from the 2 "ickle winkles" to chivvy along!!
    All I can say is - Take heart you are not by yourself and thank heavens for Titter!!!...LoL..
    Sorry Twitter!!!
