Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Snow?! What snow!!

Well... we have had a dusting of snow and I've rushed out with my camera just in case that's all we get this winter, but I am so disappointed that we've missed out on the "snow event" suffered by the rest of the country (you can tell that I am no longer a daily commuter for whom snow is a complete nightmare). I want the kids to experience the kind of snow that we did and I also want to get some winter wonderland shots - I'm still holding out for snowdrops nestling in snow this year. On each weather forecast Cheshire seems to sit tantalisingly along the edges of any areas of snow and I find myself blaming the presenter for not giving us any decent snowfall for a change! However, even a dusting dramatically changes familiar landscapes and I got a few bleak and quite striking images of Pickmere Lake.

I shouldn't complain really - our meager amount of snow brought in some extra business - I've been photographing a beautiful old hotel and its grounds and it gave me an idea to do a mail shot to other hotels and halls in the region - although the snow has now thawed and I'm back to haranguing the BBC weather forecaster. More snow is forecast overnight and tomorrow and the snowflakes on the weather map did appear to be right over Wincham, but I won't be springing out of bed tomorrow morning as I can't face yet another disappointment (for me and kids - who have long ago stopped believing the weatherman anyway.)
Perhaps I should adopt Daisy's outlook on life - even the most insignificant amount of snow makes her daily outings a fantastic adventure. As long as there's enough to rub her nose in, roll in and make the cow pats stand out more, then she's in doggy heaven!

By Jane Burkinshaw. Share this post by clicking on one of the Share buttons on the right hand side. I'd love to hear your comments too!

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